My new alarm clock.
Today me and my Mom bought this new alarm clock for me, since the one I had before just stopped working all of a sudden. I just wanted a normal alarm clock with radio but then I saw this one which we bought instead.
This alarm clock is a “wake-up light”. Which means that the light will increase gradually 15 or 30 minutes before the installed wake-up time. The alarm is gradually increasing with radio, summerton or nature sounds (birdsong, wave sound, jungle sound or thunderstorm).
I've chosen the wave sound as my alarm and I've set the light so it will increase gradually 15 minutes before the wake-up time.
Now when I'm writing this blog-post, it's actually May 14, but we bought the alarm clock on May 5 so that's why I'm posting it on this day. I've also had time to try the alarm clock now and I just read some about the clock on the website of the store we bought the alarm clock from. I can say that the sound of the clock is pretty loud and I don't even have the highest sound on my alarm, and it's a bit high for the wave sound so I might have to set a lower sound or change the actual alarm because wave sound is supposed to be relaxing but it's not that relaxing to wake up to a high sound of waves. The light is working like it should, I think, but I haven't noticed it at all. When I get up to turn off the alarm I notice that the light is on but I don't notice it at all before the alarm rings, so I don't wake up from it or anything. I think the point with the light is that you should wake up or start to wake up but that's not working for me anyway. I also read now on the website that only 3 of 8 customers would recommend this clock, from the customers who've written a review on it. My final opinion about it is that it's a good alarm clock for it's prize (it was only 199 SEK), and it works fine and have different wake-up sounds you can choose from. But, the light doesn't work for me at all i.e. I don't wake up from it (or at least it haven't worked so far) and the clock's name is after all “wake-up light” so I don't really think the name suits the clock. I just realized that I've only tried one light though, which was the set light, so I'm going to try the sweeping color display and maybe that will work better. I doubt that it will make me wake up from it though, but the light will probably look more beautiful and I can see it when I have to turn off the alarm, haha.
This is not a sponsored blog-post in any way. I just thought that I could give you my opinion about the clock now when I'm writing this blog-post since I've had time to try it and see how it works.