Tacos & Stand’n’Stuff tortillas.
The tortillas are soft from the beginning but you're supposed to heat them up in the oven for some minutes so I put them in the microwave for 2 minutes and they ended up hard. So they are pretty similar to the yellow hard shells that you can see on the taco spice mix bag, since these tortillas also end up hard when you heat them up. But the tortillas taste better and they're also in a better shape. Even though they become hard when you heat them up, they definitely don't break as easily as the yellow hard shells does. The yellow hard shells usually breaks when you've just taken a bite of it but these tortillas you can actually hold and eat the whole thing.
I really liked these new Stand'n'Stuff tortillas and I will definitely buy them on my own. I prefer the normal soft tortillas but this is definitely the second best option according to me. The taco spice mix also have a new improved recipe and I really liked it. Since I'm a vegetarian/pesciterian, I use soy mince to tacos and I feel like this new recipe of the taco spice mix is actually better because the whole tacos was so delicious. We have one of the boxes with 8 tortillas left so I'll make and eat tacos this upcoming weekend as well.
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