Hello Kitty shopping.

Today Angelica came home to me around 1:30pm (13:30) since I wanted to look in some stores close to where I live because she said yesterday she had seen some Hello Kitty things in a store and of course (since I am obsessed with HK!) I wanted to check it out! So she said yesterday that she could go with me and check it out today so that's what we did.

First we went into Lindex because I wanted to try on a bathing-top and a bathing-suit there but they were both a bit weird since they didn't even cover my boobs properly. I don't know about you but I want my bathing-tops/bathing-suits/bikinis to at least cover my boobs and don't feel like they'll pop out any minute. Haha! So of course I didn't buy any of them.

After that we went into a new toys-store (the store is new here where I live anyway, but it's not a completely new store). Toys-stores is perfect to go into to search for Hello Kitty things plus that they're just fun! There's a saying that I completely believe in and it's that “you're only too old to play when you're dead”!

In the toys-store I found and bought this “Fantasy Model” book which is from the “Top Model” brand.
It's like a funnier coloring book because you get to draw clothes etc. on the models that are in the book. I like to draw/paint and I find that coloring books are really relaxing and also fun actually, and I've been wanting a book like this one from the “Top Model” brand for a long time now because I really like the idea to get to draw whatever clothes I like on the models and also decorate the pictures however I want! And the book is also really good since it already has finished models in it which means that you don't have to draw the actual model yourself so you only have to think about drawing the clothes onto the model, which is really good if you like me aren't the best on drawing people. I think a book like this but maybe a more professional one would be a good idea for clothing designers to draw their designs in, because that's basically what you get to do with this book; draw your own clothing designs! So I'm going to pretend that I'm a clothing designer and draw clothes onto all the models in this nice book, haha.

After we (I) were done in the toys-store we went to another new store which sells all kind of things (it's like the store ÖB but I think it's even cheaper, amazingly enough). That was the store that sold the Hello Kitty things that Angelica had told me about. But when we got there they sold even more HK things than Angelica had seen when she was there (she obviously didn't look that closely the first time since she's not obsessed with HK at all, like I am) so I was really in Hello Kitty heaven! I wanted to buy almost every HK thing I saw but I couldn't do that because that would have been expensive, even though the store sells cheap things.

I bought a Hello Kitty shampoo & bathing gel.

I found this little cute Hello Kitty address book which I also bought.

And... I bought these Hello Kitty can sodas!!!
I've seen one of these HK sodas on many pictures online but I've never seen them in any store in Sweden before so I was happily surprised when Angelica showed me these! I never thought that I would see or be able to buy any Hello Kitty soda so I'm so happy that I've now seen them and of course bought them!
I bought 4 HK cans, which is 2 cans of each flavor. The 2 flavors are raspberry and pear. The raspberry flavor is the one I've seen pictures of online before and I've never actually seen any pictures of the soda with pear flavor. I've only tried the HK soda with pear flavor so far and it's good! I'll probably turn into a loyal customer to that store only because of the Hello Kitty sodas and of course the other Hello Kitty things that they're selling!

I also bought some snacks + a magazine from another store and I got 2 nail polishes along with the magazine (a pink and an orange nail polish) but that isn't that fun to see.