Avicii ◢◤ album “TIM” is released

Avicii ◢◤ album “TIM” is released!

💖 Tim Bergling1989 – Forever 💖

I will never let go of music – I will continue to speak to my fans through it

TIM” was released on Sweden's national day and Avicii truly is a Swedish legend that will live on forever. 💖 Forever celebrated, remembered and missed. 


Tre dagar före sin död skrev Tim följande anteckningar i sin mobil:
Sprid glädje genom min musik, i budskapet. Och njut av framgången, men inte den materialistiska framgången”.

Three days before his death Tim wrote the following notes in his phone:
Spread positivity through my music, in message and enjoy success but not materialistic success”.

Profits will go to the Tim Bergling Foundation, whose causes includes suicide prevention and mental illness💖